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General / Re:Tiendas y novedades de software
« Último mensaje por josepzin en Mayo 02, 2024, 16:36:55 »
Me hubiera gustado mas que fuera como una continuación, ¿qué les habrá pasado para cambiar de opinion...?
General / Re:Nuevos cracks de juegos clasicos.
« Último mensaje por Bieno en Mayo 02, 2024, 16:12:19 »
En su día me lo acabé un par de veces y siempre el factor suerte es determimante. Como las pantallas son aleatorias, a veces son muy difíciles y en alguna ocasión también imposibles de completar.
General / Re:Tiendas y novedades de software
« Último mensaje por Bieno en Mayo 02, 2024, 15:02:21 »
En un principio iba a ser una continuación del clásico Henry's House pero por alguna razón han hecho varios cambios estéticos en juego y portada.
General / Re:Tiendas y novedades de software
« Último mensaje por josepzin en Mayo 02, 2024, 13:33:00 »
La portada y formato del título hacen referencia directa al Castlevania, el nombre y el juego al Henry's House. Curiosa combinación de inspiraciones :D
General / Re:Tiendas y novedades de software
« Último mensaje por Bieno en Mayo 02, 2024, 07:25:40 »

El Timo's Castle en versión física, disco o cartucho
General / Re:Hardware nuevo para C64
« Último mensaje por Gabi64 en Mayo 01, 2024, 20:03:20 »
¿Qué me contais de este teclado??
Así es como me lo imaginaba yo de niño  :D
General / Re:Nuevos cracks de juegos clasicos.
« Último mensaje por marcos64 en Mayo 01, 2024, 16:13:07 »
Ya me extrañaba que nadie lo hubiera comentado  ;D
General / Re:Nuevos cracks de juegos clasicos.
« Último mensaje por josepzin en Mayo 01, 2024, 16:12:00 »
Tengo una deuda pendiente con este juego, porque en su momento le dediqué muchas horas pero no lo pude terminar. A ver si con esta nueva versión algún día me pongo.
General / Re:Nuevos cracks de juegos clasicos.
« Último mensaje por josepzin en Mayo 01, 2024, 16:10:39 »
**VAYA VAYA... mientras escribía mi comentario se me adelantó Marcos!! :D **

Parece que alguien se dedicó a revisar y arreglar cosas del Impossible Mission y ha creado esta versión Impossible Mission Revised.

Esta es la lista de los cambios/arreglos.
- X ABC algorithm Random Number Generator from codebase64 inserted into the game
- at the start of the game you need to interact with the joystick 2 for added entropy in RNG start.
- the player needs to push the joy2 button and upon releasing it, the RNG seed is set with the user interaction information.
- The Game clock is now set with PAL/NTSC info, 1 second is 60 frames in NTSC and 50 in PAL
- The original game ran slower on PAL systems as one second was 60 frames on all versions.
- The game has PAL/NTSC detection, I used that for setting the clock tick value.
- After the game over laughter, the screen shakes and blanks to white, the screen isn't centered and black color peeked from the edges.
- Restored default screen values after shaking.
- Added code to play samples more loudly on 8580.
- the Vice seems to distort but plays ok on real hw.
- TNT helped with proposing packing Elvin Atombender gfx
- TNT supplied packed data and unpack-routine
- 1k color info now takes only 157bytes
- IRQ and File-saving routines moved lower in memory
- saving works now with action replay active
- FC3 corrupts the screen after saving, but save works and you can restart the game using RUN/STOP, RESTORE or both.
- the time-out game over scene, bugs and features.
- the last byte of the bank is visible
- elevator sprites make the scene look broken
- the last byte of the bank is now cleared during the screen shake and restored afterward.
- the elevator wall sprite is turned off and the ceiling sprite is moving with the screen
General / Re:Nuevos cracks de juegos clasicos.
« Último mensaje por marcos64 en Mayo 01, 2024, 16:09:11 »
En esta ocasion no se trata de un crack (que tambien lo es) sino de un juego mejorado. Y menudo juego: Impossible Mission Revised


      - X ABC algorithm Random Number Generator from codebase64 inserted into the game
         - at the start of the game you need to interact with the joystick 2 for added entropy in RNG start.
         - the player needs to push the joy2 button and upon releasing it, the RNG seed is set with the user interaction information.
      - The dummy loop wait routine changed to D012-based waiting instead of burning CPU cycles for time.
         - this fixes timings with possible CPU speeders.

      - The Game clock is now set with PAL/NTSC info, 1 second is 60 frames in NTSC and 50 in PAL
         - The original game ran slower on PAL systems as one second was 60 frames on all versions.
         - The game has PAL/NTSC detection, I used that for setting the clock tick value.
      - After the game over laughter, the screen shakes and blanks to white, the screen isn't centered and black color peeked from the edges.
         - Restored default screen values after shaking.
      - Added code to play samples more loudly on 8580.
         - the Vice seems to distort but plays ok on real hw.

      - TNT helped with proposing packing Elvin Atombender gfx
         - TNT supplied packed data and unpack-routine
         - 1k color info now takes only 157bytes
      - File saving simplified
         - The original file save was overcomplicated.
         - first, it saved "HI2", then deleted "HI" and renamed HI2 to HI
         - new one uses overwrite

      - IRQ and File-saving routines moved lower in memory
         - saving works now with action replay active
         - FC3 corrupts the screen after saving, but save works and you can restart the game using RUN/STOP, RESTORE or both.

      - the time-out game over scene, bugs and features.
         - the last byte of the bank is visible
         - elevator sprites make the scene look broken
         - the last byte of the bank is now cleared during the screen shake and restored afterward.
         - the elevator wall sprite is turned off and the ceiling sprite is moving with the screen
         - the scene looks now much better
      - Rooms 15 and 20 were incorrectly assigned hires color to MC tiles
         - Changed the color code showing tiles as MC
         - This can be argued if it is a bug or an intentional choice.
         - My take on this is that it was a bug, which is now fixed.

      - If a room has been emptied by searching, it is hollow on the player map.
         - This makes the game a little bit more comfortable to play
         - this was surprisingly difficult to add

      - If the player falling accelerates above a certain threshold shake the screen
         - 5 frames random $d011 shake implemented
         - Avoiding the last byte of the bank is needed again, I should look into skipping that byte for code.
         - no sound fx for the falling thud
         - there was also a bug in the original game, the falling byte wasn't set on the death event which caused a lot of unnecessary processing of the hero.

      - The game clock is now in a 24-hour format
         - I don't believe agents/military/whatever officials use am/pm time to avoid confusion.
      - Note puzzle rooms are also marked on the map with a checker pattern

      - Screen shake after the player falls from a high place now also moves the sprites along the screen shake. looks much cleaner now.
         - Sound effect added for the floor hit.
      - Also the door to Elvin's lair is marked on the map, but you need to collect the items first.

      - Sprite clock code is done, it shows hours and minutes.
         - displaying the clock on the playfield is another pain in the butt
         - WIP
      - I ran out of memory again.
         - now more of Elvin's end screen is packed
         - large code blocks moved under IO which are mainly responsible for randomizing the game on init.

      - The game now has 32 different passwords
         - One gets chosen randomly on the game start
      - The game clock is now rendered in characters in normal rooms
         - the clock is at the upper right corner of the screen
         - it cannot be shown when a player is searching for items as it uses the same characters.
         - it cannot be shown in note puzzle rooms, as the GFX uses the same characters.
         - it doesn't show up in the elevator room, as you can activate the clock by pressing the fire button.
      - New bot animation frame sprites by Trurl
         - you can now see the backside of the bot if the game randomly chooses so.
         - it was a true pain to add these, the game had its own logic tuned pretty hard into just 6 frames of robot animation, peeking etc..
         - we have now a total of 12 frames of robot sprites, and still have some memory left!
         - a lot of problems caused here, I hope I fixed them all which I caused myself.

      - Fixed a color bug in the phone user interface from the "orientation corrected" message.
      - 32 passwords were a little too much, back to only 24 which will fit in one page of memory.

      - Excellent suggestion from a test user the wolf from the lemon64 forums
         - make the clock run from 12:00 -> 18:00 so the semicolon can be fitted cleanly.
         - There are 2 characters of space, 16 pixels in total.
         - Number font is 3x5 pixels and when you want to show 4 digits, it takes 3+1 pix (we want to have some space between digits)
         - 4*4 digits is 16 pix, so no room for a semicolon.
         - We can LSR the last 2 digits to get 2 pixels of space between hours and minutes.
         - Number 1 is special because it's just 1 pixel wide, so if we ASL hour digits also we can have a 3 pixel wide gap for the semicolon.
         - Usually, the simple solution is the best, too bad it's often hard to come by yourself when you are fixated on thinking about something else.
      - Preparing to change in-game Commodore ROM font to something else
         - a to z and 0 to 9 needed
         - The font called 7-up from is selected into the game.
      - Extra robot sprites moved to even Sprite Pointer number
         - The game uses the first bit of the pointer when peeking behind its back
         - An uneven pointer number caused me some days of pain because I wanted to save 64 bytes.

      - Modified puzzle stencils to change the challenge with the puzzles
         - done, more challenge added
      - Fixed score calculation to calculate seconds on 0-6 hours instead of 12-18.
      - A small cosmetic change to the char clock shown in the rooms.

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